A NAS Whidbey Goodbye | Oak Harbor Military Photography
Whether I'm doing a shoot down at Deception Pass, spending time on base or grabbing coffee downtown, I always find myself pausing to watch the jets soar when I hear them screaming through the sky. Aviation fascinates me, and I'm constantly impressed by watching these sleek machines maneuver through the clouds. The work and skill that goes into creating, maintaining and piloting these aircrafts is incredible, and so when I was asked to photograph on the flight line for a family wrapping up their tour here at NAS Whidbey Island, I jumped at the opportunity.
Not only was this family saying goodbye to the state of Washington, but they were actually leaving the country and heading back home to Australia. It was freezing and the wind was crazy, but it made for some dramatic skies against the cold machinery. I really loved getting to learn a bit about the aircraft and some experiences of what piloting it is like. Seriously...so cool. And how awesome is it that his 2 year old daughter got to check out the cockpit!